Chochola 100!

AN EXHIBITION WITHIN AN EXHIBITION: Czech photographer Václav Chochola would celebrate his 100th birthday this year! As part of his jubilee year 2023, you will be able to see many exhibitions referring to Chochola's work around the Czech Republic, and the Central Gallery is no exception. As part of the Salvador Dalí exhibition, you will not only see the famous portraits of Dalí that Václav Chochola took in Paris in 1969 and are already part of the permanent exhibition, but also a selection of other photographs from Paris in 1969. You will get a glimpse into the Parisian cabaret Crazy Horse and the days preceding the meeting with the famous surrealist and learn the story of how Václav Chochola photographed Salvador Dalí.

The exhibition will last from January 28th to August 31st, 2023, daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the last admission at 7:00 p.m. as part of a ticket to the Salvador Dalí exhibition. The Salvador Dalí exhibition is not interrupted and can be seen as any other day.

Aktuální expozice

Disponujeme soukromou sbírkou děl Salvadora Dalího, Andyho Warhola a Alfonse Muchy. Nevšední životy těchto umělců jsou spjaty v čase a místě s Českým státem. I proto jsou vám představovánii v samotném srdci Prahy.

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